Monday, April 13, 2015

Auntie Laura

Auntie Laura is our "aunt." The reason we call her our "aunt" is because she is our godmother. She is a nurse and helped my brother be born. She came to visit us a few days ago. She has never been to Washington so we showed her around Spokane. We went canoeing and saw a porcupine! We went on a night hike and saw owls, moths, and another porcupine. We also heard coyotes and frogs. When we got home from the night hike Joy and I had 8 ticks on our bodies but none of them bit us! I'm so thankful that Jesus didn't let the ticks bite us.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Jesus, that no one got bit by the ticks! Yay! Just to clarify, I had no ticks on me. Yay! It's the little things that make me thankful. It was so wonderful to spend time with you, Grace. Your name suits you. You are full of grace and such a lovely young lady! God is good to you! Uncle Danny and I pray for you and all the family. We love you all very much! Love, Auntie. Xxxooo
