Thursday, April 30, 2015

Future Job

What I want to be when I grow up is a model.  Right now I want to be in a modeling contest with joy (even though I would be competing against her.) I'm going to have a million dollars and live in a fancy house. :)

Monday, April 27, 2015


KBO (Kids Business Opportunity) is a place where kids sell things that they made.  We normally do KBO at a library meeting room.  Joy and I are doing KBO in 4 days at the North Spokane Library at 7:30am. We are selling scones, orange juice, and little bacon and eggs treats. The Spokane news will be filming and interviewing us. We also have to dress up like business people. :)

Monday, April 20, 2015


Hi everybody! I try and put out a new post every Monday and Friday so the best time to find new posts is Monday and Friday evenings. Thanks for reading! :)

Extended grabber

I made an extended grabber today for an engineering project for school. It's made of skewers, popsicle sticks, and straws. I decorated mine with colorful duct tape and added handles.

Friday, April 17, 2015


I really want a dog. I'm saving my money for one. If I were going to get a dog I would want a baby Black Lab and would name it Lucy if it was a girl and Jackson if it was a boy.  I would care for it and love it every day.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Auntie Laura

Auntie Laura is our "aunt." The reason we call her our "aunt" is because she is our godmother. She is a nurse and helped my brother be born. She came to visit us a few days ago. She has never been to Washington so we showed her around Spokane. We went canoeing and saw a porcupine! We went on a night hike and saw owls, moths, and another porcupine. We also heard coyotes and frogs. When we got home from the night hike Joy and I had 8 ticks on our bodies but none of them bit us! I'm so thankful that Jesus didn't let the ticks bite us.


Co-op is going great! In cooking class we made taco salads and chocolate! Yummy! In drawing class I drew a 3D ball.  In American Girl our teacher reads us 1 chapter of an American Girl book while the class cuts and glues pictures of an Amarican Girl. The American Girl that we are studying is a girl named Addy who is a slave fighting for freedom.