Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Christmas Poems

(I didn't write these, I just found them off of the internet)  :)



Son of God


Book club

Hello! I joined a book club! Although I HATE reading, I LOVE book club! Book club is every month. There are 8 girls in it, including joy and I. I am actually starting too enjoy reading (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER)!  We read The Royal Diaries Book series and right now we are reading Kaiulani the Island princess. It's about a 12 year old girl who is princess of  Hawaii and her father is making her go to Egland for 1 year to do her schoolwork. We have also read Cleopatra, Princess of the Nile.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Hi everyone! I had my first dance lesson on Monday! It was really fun and our teacher is really nice. She comes to our house and a few of our neighbors/friends come and dance too. We dance to Future Husband by Meghan Trainor We practiced a jazz routine this week and we will practice hip hop next week. I have never done hip hop before but it looks fun. This is a video of the jazz routine: (It may take a few seconds to pop up) 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Podcasting and Pumpkins

Hi everybody! I am going to start a a podcast this year! It will probably be called The Awsome Podcast. I will just be using my dad's microphone and my mom's computer. Anyway to earn a little cash, Joy and I sold 34 pumpkins from our garden. We sold them in a empty dirt lot across from some apartments. I made a sign that said "Pumpkins fresh from our garden $1 - $5." We sat there for two hours! It was worth it, we made so much money.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


My dad said we could get this kitten that we really wanted! We are going to name her Madison. We are going to visit her tonight and pick her up on October 7th or 14th. She is 3 weeks old and VERY fluffy. As you can see in the picture, she is pretty small and cute. I love her soooo much!

Friday, October 2, 2015


Hi everyone! I recently started going to AWANA. It is like youth group except for all ages. In AWANA you recite verses, play games, and worship God! AWANA happens once a week.  I am in T'n'T (truth and training) which is 3rd through 6th grade. In T'n'T, boys and girls are separated and split up in teams. There is blue, red, yellow, and green teams. Joy and I are on the blue team along with 4 other girls. Each team has 2 leaders which you recite your verses to. You get a book full of verses and each verse you memorize you get a fake plastic dollar. I have been going to AWANA for three weeks and I have 40 fake dollars! I get 15 fake dollars for inviting friends to AWANA and I have invited 2 friends.


MY DAD FINALLY SAID WE COULD GET A KITTEN!!!!! We are getting one next week. We have been looking at kittens for sale online, and we've seen a few we like. There is one free kitten we were looking at that comes with a free litterbox, littermat, food,and food dish! I want a young kitten so it stays cuter longer!
OH NO! My pet frog just ate my kitten!
Is he gone yet?!
Nail polish is my favorite snack!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Hi everyone! Graham, Joy, Mom, and I all want a kitten. We asked Dad if we could get one and he said he would let us know on Monday! I don't think I can wait that long! :-) If we do get a kitten these are some names we came up with:
Oreo if it is black and white.
Nugget if it is orange.
Marshmallow if it is white.
Hershey or Snickers if it is brown.

Friday, September 11, 2015

I'm back!

Hi everybody! I haven't been blogging this summer so I have a lot to say! My summer was FANTASTIC!! I went to California for two weeks and visited friends and LOTS of family! I'm now 11! I had my birthday in July. We started school September 8th, and it's going great! On the first day of school I had waffles shaped like pencils! I also went to Silverwood (a theme park in Washington).

Friday, June 5, 2015


I invited a celebrity to my birthday party! Her name is Zendaya. She is an actress, singer, and dancer. She stars in many Disney shows and movies like K.C. Undercover, Shake it Up, and Zapped. 
This is Zendaya.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Pencil. Check! Paper. Check! Test. Check!

 Hi it's Grace. I finished my test. It was not very hard at all. It was actually really easy! I haven't gotten the results but I think they're going to be good! I think I will get 89% of my answers right! My results will probably come back in late June.

Monday, June 1, 2015


 Hi, It's Grace! We had our first day of the test! It was so much fun! The problems were really easy. I had so much time left when I finished my paper, that I checked my work and read a few pages of a book. We just did English today. I'm pretty sure I got at least 90% correct. Tomorrow we are going to study math. I'm kinda nervous because I'm not very good at math. But I'm sure it will be easy.

Friday, May 22, 2015


Hi everyone. It's Grace. I'm taking an end of the school year test in 13 days, which is 4 hours long and goes for three days. The test is on math and language arts. I'm kind of nervous but every time I'm nervous it always turns out to be something NOT WORTH WORRYING.  ;)


Hi it's Grace! I finally got a new kite (well actually my siblings and I are sharing 3 kites).  We went to Sky Prairie Park to fly our kites because it's almost always windy there. One is tie-died and the others have rainbow colors.

Monday, May 4, 2015


I am making a flextangle for school. It's a paper toy.  I colored a flextangle template that we found at babbledabbledo.com.


We are making a garden. We have to rototill it and put compost on it. We are also making our own compost pile. In our garden we are going to plant watermelon, carrots, blueberries, strawberries, zucchini, cilantro, raspberries and a few more fruits and vegetables.

Friday, May 1, 2015


I just finished KBO and it was a blast!  The interview was fun.  I was so nervous at first but I worried for nothing.  I made  $23!  My friend stopped by on the way to her school and bought 1 of everything we had!  My grandma and grandpa also stopped by.  My old friend was there selling things. I was so exited to see her.
 I am the one to the left in the gray dress and white flower in my hair.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Future Job

What I want to be when I grow up is a model.  Right now I want to be in a modeling contest with joy (even though I would be competing against her.) I'm going to have a million dollars and live in a fancy house. :)

Monday, April 27, 2015


KBO (Kids Business Opportunity) is a place where kids sell things that they made.  We normally do KBO at a library meeting room.  Joy and I are doing KBO in 4 days at the North Spokane Library at 7:30am. We are selling scones, orange juice, and little bacon and eggs treats. The Spokane news will be filming and interviewing us. We also have to dress up like business people. :)

Monday, April 20, 2015


Hi everybody! I try and put out a new post every Monday and Friday so the best time to find new posts is Monday and Friday evenings. Thanks for reading! :)

Extended grabber

I made an extended grabber today for an engineering project for school. It's made of skewers, popsicle sticks, and straws. I decorated mine with colorful duct tape and added handles.

Friday, April 17, 2015


I really want a dog. I'm saving my money for one. If I were going to get a dog I would want a baby Black Lab and would name it Lucy if it was a girl and Jackson if it was a boy.  I would care for it and love it every day.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Auntie Laura

Auntie Laura is our "aunt." The reason we call her our "aunt" is because she is our godmother. She is a nurse and helped my brother be born. She came to visit us a few days ago. She has never been to Washington so we showed her around Spokane. We went canoeing and saw a porcupine! We went on a night hike and saw owls, moths, and another porcupine. We also heard coyotes and frogs. When we got home from the night hike Joy and I had 8 ticks on our bodies but none of them bit us! I'm so thankful that Jesus didn't let the ticks bite us.


Co-op is going great! In cooking class we made taco salads and chocolate! Yummy! In drawing class I drew a 3D ball.  In American Girl our teacher reads us 1 chapter of an American Girl book while the class cuts and glues pictures of an Amarican Girl. The American Girl that we are studying is a girl named Addy who is a slave fighting for freedom. 

Friday, March 20, 2015


We are going to a new Co-op in one week.  We will go every Wednesday though the end of May.  The classes that I signed up for are Cooking, Drawing, American Girl, and Around the world in eight weeks.  I'm the most excited for American Girl because we are going to be reading exciting books and doing crafts.  I'm also very exited for Cooking because I love eating!

Monday, March 16, 2015


For Easter I picked out a pattern and fabric for my Easter dress and my grandma will sew my dress.  We will have an Easter egg hunt in our backyard and my cousins will come over for dinner.  Normally what's inside of the Easter eggs is jelly beans, coins, and candies. 
This is my dress pattern.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Nickel board

I'm saving up for a Nickel board! A Nickel board is like a skateboard but smaller and easier to control. Nickel boards come in lots of stylish colors and patterns.     

Friday, March 6, 2015

Ping pong and pool

We have a ping pong table and a pool table in our basement.  Ping pong is also called table tennis. I like to play ping pong with my family.  I'm not very good at ping pong or pool.  
This is a pool table:
This is a ping pong table:

Friday, February 13, 2015

Get Air

Get Air is a trampoline place like Sky High but has a lot more things to do.  It is ninja themed. There are rock walls, tight ropes, dodge ball, foam pits, monkey bars and regular trampolines. It has 2 huge obstacle courses.  Sky High only has dodge ball, foam pits, and regular trampolines.

Friday, January 30, 2015


We are moving back to our house in Colbert.  Moving is hard work.  Joy and I have always shared clothes, toys, and a room so now we have to divide our clothes and toys between us. The toys and clothes that we don't want will get donated to Goodwill.  I'm so excited to move because we will be a lot closer to friends and family.  We will have a pool table and ping pong table.  I'm now getting my own bedroom! I will have a lot more space.  My room will have a window seat, bunkbed, bean bag, and canopy.   This is what my room will look like:

Monday, January 26, 2015

Ice Skating

Yesterday I went ice skating downtown with my cousins. I only fell once. I fell at the worst time to fall. I fell right after the zamboni cleared the ice, so the ice was wet! It was 55 degrees yesterday, which is pretty warm for winter. After ice skating we walked to Red Robin to get dinner. This is a video of me skating.

Monday, January 19, 2015


I love to doodle in my spare time.  Here are a few of the things I have drawn.  I watch drawing tutorials onYou Tube.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Cross country skiing

I cross country skied for the first time. It was fun.  I went with my friends.  Surprisingly, I was a lot better than I'd thought I'd be.  We also went snowshoeing and sledding.  It was tiring. Here are some pictures.  I am the one in the pink jacket and white hat.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Joy and I built an awsome snow fort.  We are still working on making the walls taller but the snow is melting so it's kind of hard to build a snow fort when there is not a lot of snow.  The snow is turning into slush.  We stacked giant snowballs on top of each other to create the walls. We made lots of snowballs for when we need them.