Wednesday, February 17, 2016

New Book Club

Hi everyone! We are hosting a new book club! We are reading Number the Stars and its about a Jewish girl in WWII. We are going to talk about the book, bake, giggle, and play board games. The reason we are playing board games is because in WWII the Red Cross would send the prisoners of war special Monopoly games with hidden things inside them to help them escape. Some of the most common things they would send were a map of the prison inside the hotel pieces, a metal file hidden within the board, and German currency hidden within the Monopoly money.  We are also playing a game called Spy Alley. Anyway, there are 8 people in our book club and I'm super excited. It is on Friday.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

iPod (part 2)

Hi! We got our iPods! Mine is gold, Joy's is hot pink, and Graham's is red. We got it at the Apple store for $250. It has 32gb and is 6th generation. I got a really cute cover. It is sea foam green and says "smile" in cursive. The case comes withe a stylus and screen protecter. I switched from an iPad to an iPod because an iPad is kind of bulky and heavy. Our iPods are super. It took about 15 minutes to get it all set up.