Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Hi everyone! Graham, Joy, Mom, and I all want a kitten. We asked Dad if we could get one and he said he would let us know on Monday! I don't think I can wait that long! :-) If we do get a kitten these are some names we came up with:
Oreo if it is black and white.
Nugget if it is orange.
Marshmallow if it is white.
Hershey or Snickers if it is brown.

Friday, September 11, 2015

I'm back!

Hi everybody! I haven't been blogging this summer so I have a lot to say! My summer was FANTASTIC!! I went to California for two weeks and visited friends and LOTS of family! I'm now 11! I had my birthday in July. We started school September 8th, and it's going great! On the first day of school I had waffles shaped like pencils! I also went to Silverwood (a theme park in Washington).